Nodejs has managed to gain massive popularity with time since the very day it was launched. It is said to be one of those excellent technologies that can program effectively without any bugs. It provides developers with a structure to their programming and maintains and understands their project smoothly.
NodeJS can make the developer’s task so much less hectic and complicated with the incredible structure it provides. Therefore, many startups like to hire Nodejs developers to escalate their business growth.
A noteworthy feature of NodeJS is the built-in library it possesses; it allows the developers to create applications that act as a web server without using software such as HTTP or IIS.
Today many companies prefer choosing a language that best aligns with their vision and goals and provides stability to their project; thus, amongst many, NodeJS leads the way.
Considering the universal usage of JavaScript, it is apparent that NodeJS will be used more frequently and widely than other technologies. Therefore, you must stay updated on recent updates of NodeJS to optimize your project with best practices.
It is easy to match the digital pace with these best NodeJS practices:
● Practice JavaScript first:
A developer needs to practice her/his JavaScript skills before they start on with NodeJS development. The NodeJS strategy must be carefully planned and then implemented. If you are planning to hire expert Node JS developers for your project, make sure they have significant knowledge and possess the following skills:
- Asynchronous programming
- Scope
- Callbacks
- Data types
- Functional arguments
- Objects and functions in JavaScript
● Use Asynchronous APIs:
NodeJS works on a single-threaded model, which means there is a presence of various synchronous components that can entirely block out your application. Although these synchronous methods can be avoided in your own code, it is still possible that you are using an external library with a blocking call.
This, in turn, can make your application’s performance extremely slow, which can be image-threatening for a budding business. Thus, the best way to avoid such a situation is to use asynchronous APIs in the code, especially in the sections where performance is critical. This should also be considered while selecting the third-party modules, which makes sure that your external library will not revert to the synchronous calls.
● Small and Light code:
Smartphones are here to stay for a long time. It has become crucial for a digital project owner to get into each user’s mobile phones in this digital age. Therefore, the best way to do it is to develop an extremely efficient application. This is possible with NodeJs. All you have to do is hire Full-stack developers and use NodeJS to create an application with a compact code base that reduces latency and boosts app performance.
However, there are various ways to develop an application with bang-on performance and increase your startup’s reputation. One of these ways is to minimize and link multiple files into one.
For example, if the application you have developed possesses a JavaScript file, then the browser will create separate HTTP requests to fetch them. Therefore. If you need to avoid the total waiting and blocking time, the alternative approach of linking and minimizing multiple files into one will work wonders.
● Include client-side rendering:
Thankfully, there are many client-side MVC frameworks like AngularJS and BackboneJS that can powerfully back up any application complex or single-page. These frameworks can expose the APIs used to send JSON responses directly to the client rather than sending it through the server.
If you use NodeJS to display the server-side, it will revert to an HTML page for every request. It is wise to use NodeJS for client-side rendering since it can drastically reduce latency and save the bandwidth for increased startup growth.
● It is not for rendering static assets:
When it is about developing an application that is out and about rocking the digital world, you must consider a critical aspect. Firstly, you need to hire Nodejs developers for extensive and professional development and make sure they render your app’s static assets, such as images and CSS, on a standard web server.
By organizing these to manage your static content, you can significantly reduce your application encounters’ total load and enhance its performance.
● Use Gzip:
Gzip is an application that is used to decompress or compress a file. Many servers and clients use gzip nowadays.
When a Gzip compatible browser requests a resource, the server can compress the response before it is sent to the browser. This can, in turn, reduce latency and delay in your app.
Thus, you must make sure your developer uses gzip when responding to a user and requests the remote servers. It is best to enhance the overall performance of an application, be it for an enterprise or a startup.
In this write-up, we could gather around the most excellent NodeJS practices each developer must use to develop any application if it needs to be responsive and dynamic. NodeJS is the best bet to make an entry into the web world with an outstanding application. However, you must make sure to Hire Node JS developers who are excellent in their work and have a significant experience relevant to your project to develop an optimized application.